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Trendy fams.

This week a lot stuck out to me from class but I want to focus on one thing, the trend of families. I've noticed throughout the last 8 years since I was in high school and now also being out of high school things have changed. One big thing is, family.

What is a family? 
Some people know family to be a mom and dad. Some might think of family as just a mom or just a dad. For me, it's my aunt and uncle's family! We all have a different view of what a family should look like. 
For the majority of the world family is a mom, dad, and as the "New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter" shared, most people feel two children. 

However, as trends come and go, families are changing. 

Families are becoming different. Families can be with two men, two woman, single parents, or not even getting married. As we see families change, I want to encourage you that families are what Heavenly Father has given us. He tells us in the Family Proclamation that marriage is between a man and a wife. And the number of kids depends on you, your spouse, and Heavenly Father. Together you can work and decide what fits your situation. 

I don't want to start any controversial conversations in the comments but I'm going to share a link that shows some statistics for several different families structures. Now, I get that people defeat the odds and don't let their circumstances define them and that stats don't include those people. I grew up with a step family, single mom, and then fall in to the other category and yet, I think I've turned out pretty fine. :)

Go play around with that link and see what the stats are for the different kind of family structures that can be found today. I believe anyone can beat the odds against them but yet; they still stand for the majority of people.

I share this link because in today there are a few trends that have become pretty popular. I have found that this link has brought me a lot insight into what some of the children in the world have gone through and what future generations of children might have to fight throughout their time growing up.

I'm going to focus on premaritial sex and births to unmarried woman. I want to talk about these because as young high school almost graduates there are many who will fall into this predicament more often that older woman. I want to warn you that those family structures are hard, doable, but harder that it should be. As those numbers raise in the world the numbers of marriages go down and your family structures and your odds will alter throughout your life.

As humans we all crave some form of intimacy throughout our lives. That craving can alter our lives drastically from young ages to becoming a grown adult. No matter the stage in our lives we will crave that, it's a normal part of life.

Family is an important part of life. We grow and we learn from our families and we encourage that as the normal for our children. Our children learn from us and yes, some situations are beyond our control in life. However, as a future mother I want the best for my future children. I want them to have a full, as "normal" as possibly family. Where they know that they will always have two parents to love and take care of them.

Families will always be different for everyone, but I hope that as you become a someday parent also that you give your kids the best opportunities. Help them succeed right from the beginning.


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