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Dating 101

This week’s topic has been all about dating. It’s been a really fun and interesting topic to discuss and honestly, learn about.
On that note, a question for you. What in the world is dating? The newer generation seem to think of dating as “hanging out.” We just spend time with the other watching television, homework, or dinner together and call it good. However, back in the good ole days dating was so much more. It was going on several dates with several different people. It’s a much different experience than it is today. My teacher shared some of his dating experiences when he was in college and those were things I’d never experienced or heard happen to any of my friends or fellow classmates.
I want to discuss the Know-Quo. People need to be together; not texting or simply face timing but actually being with each other. Also with that, not playing on social media or playing games on their cell phones. When you are out and about and see young couples that look to be on dates or “hanging out” you’ll notice they will all have their phones out. This is with the older generations and it’s not how you spend quality time together. The next feature is talk. Talking is HUGE! How else would you get to know people? For example, today after class my fiancé picked me up and we went to go run a few errands. It was pretty quiet in the car and just had some back ground music on. I suddenly turned it down and asked who his first kiss was. Let me set the scene on my fiancé. He is a little shy if he doesn’t know you, handsome as ever, and the sweetest guy. In my head I was thinking, of course he’s kissed a bunch of girls but we just never have talked about it. When I asked him, he was a little shocked and then proceeded to tell me that he had never kissed a girl until me. He had waited until he felt that he had met the right person, which thankfully has been me. Now, this is the sweetest story and I never would have found this out unless I had talked to him and asked the question. The last part of this equation is time. This is a huge one to me because you have to make time for the person you are wanting to know, especially in the sense of dating. You need to make time throughout your day or week to spend that time with said person. If you don’t make time that it can show that you don’t care, you are to busy for them, and you won’t get to make those connections through talking and togetherness. The whole is equation is together + talking + time = know. It is through those 3 things that we can know someone.
The next thing I want to discuss is what are the steps to getting married? Now this might seem like an easy question BUT almost all of us will skip a step. Outlined in class these are the steps to getting married: dating, courtship, engagement, and then marriage. With each step come smaller steps from within. Elder Oaks from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints share what he believes the 3P’s to dating are. Dates are planned, paid for, and paired off. Planned meaning that each person knows what the activity is, when, and where said activity will occur. Paid for obviously means that one of the parties participating in the event will be paying for the outing. Even if the evening is free being paid for means taking that imitative to handle the outing. The last one is paired off. This is important in the dating scene. Being paired off means that you know who you are with and that is your person for the evening. Much of the time in hanging out settings you don’t know who is with who and everyone could be flirting with everyone. Being paired off eliminates that and gives attention to each pair to get to know each other.


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