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Gender, it’s a pretty heated topic in its self. However, I don’t want this to get heated here. I’m going to share what my beliefs are and some studies to back up what I’m sharing.
If you’ve followed along on the last few blogs, you’ll know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. With that being said, I have some pretty set beliefs on the importance and roles of gender. Does that mean I dislike or “hate” on those who believe differently or act against what I think is correct? Absolutely not. I love everyone and how people choose to live their lives is between themselves and the good Lord.
As a member of Christ’s Restored Church we have what we call a Family Proclamation; this shares with us and the world what a family should be, the roles, the equality, the warnings for families.
Here is the link if you would like to go read it and check it out! I would recommend you read it because even if you aren’t a member of the same faith, you will be interested to see how much your beliefs follow it.
This tells us the marriage should be between a man and a woman. Today in society a marriage can between anyone. Which is great for those who pursue that lifestyle, but for me and my beliefs, it’s between a man and a woman. The Family Proclamation shares that the husband is to be the provider with the mother being the nurture. However, if you have ever looked close not all families fall into those roles. Lost parents, fathers who have gotten ill and can no longer work to provide and become the nurtures, parents who both want careers, etc. There is no set look on how a family should be but parents are to be equal in all senses. Just because I am a woman does not mean that I need to have dinner on the table each night when my fiancé gets home from work. It also doesn’t mean that I can’t go and work and help provide for my growing family.
Men and woman are different. We have different body parts, different strengths, different weaknesses, different abilities. If we were all the same the world would not run as easily. Things are rough as it is but if we all had the same talents and abilities; many things just would not get done.
We discussed in class some of the differences between men and woman. Woman have cooperative play, are relationship oriented, and have the ability to communicate. Men are aggressive/competitive, greater upper body strength, and are spatial oriented. Going back to the Family Proclamation, these abilities help men provide, protect, and preside and help the woman nurture and strengthen a family. We would be lost without both aspects of these strengths that can only come from a man and a woman creating and holding together a family.  
Lastly, can a man do a woman’s job and can a woman do a man’s job? ABSOLUTELY. I love when I see woman in the construction business or higher up in a business (ex. CEO). I have watched several men work within day-cares and watched them love those children.
To sum up this scattered blog, gender is important. It is important to the Lord. It is important to families. It is important to the children they raise up in the world. Can you still have a family and raise children without a man or without a woman? Yes, of course. But it will be harder and different outcomes. That’s how everything is though when you go against the grain or against the normal. In the end, be you. I don’t want to change who you are or how you live. I just want to help make people aware.


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