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Thus far..

Finals are here. This class has come to an end and I’m quite sad. I have learned so much from this class. I have learned what I want from myself, my husband, my children, my family. I have learned things about myself that I didn’t realize I was doing, things that I wanted to do, and things that I wanted to be done with my future family.

I have learned the importance of being one with your spouse. When we get to go to Heaven, it’s going to be Ethan and me. Our kids will be with their spouses and won’t have a need for us there. I want to have that bond with my cute lover boy forever. I want it to get stronger and stronger each day and for that to happen, I have had to make some changes. Now, I’m not perfect and it hasn’t been easy. I have fallen back into what’s familiar many times and have to pull myself out to change things. I make sure that no matter what the excitement is and even if my friend would understand more, Ethan is always going to be the first to know and share that with me. I have also worked hard on not venting/complaining about our struggles to my lady friends. I want our life to stay OUR life. Not our life with our friends attached. I want to be ONE with Ethan and only Ethan.

Something else that I have truly gained a strong testimony over the course of this semester is dating. Dating follows the 3 P’s: planned, paired off, and paid for. In wanting to be one with my forever loverboy we have started to go on weekly dates. Making sure that we make time to spend that quality one on one time. No phones, no friends, no distractions except for us. It has become the biggest blessing over the course of this semester. When we start to have children, we want to keep up with our weekly dates as best as possible so that we can continue to know each other, continue to build our foundation of friendship, to grow together. When our future children are all moved out of the house, we want to be able to still enjoy life together. Not struggling because we no longer know we were are without our children.

The last thing that I want to share about from this semester is how important family is. The world will continue to get crazier. There are always going to be things that want to break the family apart. Satan knows that family is the center of the gospel and he will do anything to destroy it. This semester in Family Relations I have gained the deepest testimony that family is truly everything. If we work hard to keep it together, we will succeed. If we rely on Heavenly Father and the gospel that He has provided for us, we can make it through.

It’s quite a bitter sweet moment for me to have the semester come to and end. I have never been sad to say goodbye to a particular class before; however, this is one class I wish was longer than just one semester. If you ever have the opportunity to have a little chat with Michael Williams or take a class from him, your life will be much better. If you aren’t able to do that, find a class that involves family relations and take it! You can thank me later. My future family is going to be so much better off because I have learned some valuable pointers and for that I am grateful.


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