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Fatherhood. One of the most important roles a man can have but sadly, overlooked. Why is that? Is it because is society we place such a large image on men being the bread makers of the world and woman the nurture? Even though, heavens for Betsy the role gets reversed. I think it’s because so often fathers are often seen as the punisher. However, fathers are so much more than that.

I didn’t really grow up with a father. My parents got divorced when I was just 4 years-old. My mother remarried when I was 6 years-old. My step-father to me was my dad. He loved me and was my best friend. When I was 8 years-old he started to abuse me, and I lost all love, hope, and trust in him. They got divorced when I was 14 years-old. When I was 16 years-old I moved in with my aunt and uncle and they stepped in for my parental figures. However, it doesn’t replace the actual loss of the actual parent.

I fell into all the stereotypes that are in the world concerning a child and no father. Drugs, alcohol, promiscuous behavior, and just finding ways to get myself into trouble. Not that a mother is any less important to have around while growing up, but it’s been proven that especially girls struggle more in life.

I firmly believe that fatherhood is the greatest role in the world, equal to motherhood. Having children is a big decision and when that time comes about it takes two players; a man and a woman. I would want that man to play just as big of a part in my child’s life as he did in the making of the child. I would want him to play with our child, love our child, snuggle our child, change diapers, participate in potty training, feed, read stories, enjoy watching them grow up. I want my child to experience the love that comes from a father.

Sometimes a fathers love goes farther than a mothers love in some sense. Women are made nurtures, its in our blood. Not quite the same for men. They learn how to nurture and I can’t wait to witness my fiances love grow and watch that characteristic in him grow.

Something else that we discussed this week in class was having two working parents. Brother Williams shared with our class his deepest regret, that is having his wife work while they had two littles boys at home. This is not doctrine in any sort of way or something that you should feel bad about if you are a working mom. [Each situation is different and just you be you]. However, a story was shared of how a couple was both working thinking that with some extra income their kids could do more activities they wanted and things wouldn’t be quite as tight. Turns out that wasn’t the case. They had an account come look at finances and see how they were doing after quite some time of them both working. They were bringing less than they had when it was just the husband working due to increase of some things. Some of those things are food (eating out), transportation, clothing, insurance, etc. things that are needed but also cost quite a bit. In the end, it wasn’t the best situation for them. Not all of us can have a stay at home mom in our lives, so you do what is best for your family. However, if you do decide to go to work to help with the income; look at everything before you start.


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