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Showing posts from May, 2019

Dating 101

This week’s topic has been all about dating. It’s been a really fun and interesting topic to discuss and honestly, learn about. On that note, a question for you. What in the world is dating? The newer generation seem to think of dating as “hanging out.” We just spend time with the other watching television, homework, or dinner together and call it good. However, back in the good ole days dating was so much more. It was going on several dates with several different people. It’s a much different experience than it is today. My teacher shared some of his dating experiences when he was in college and those were things I’d never experienced or heard happen to any of my friends or fellow classmates. I want to discuss the Know-Quo. People need to be together; not texting or simply face timing but actually being with each other. Also with that, not playing on social media or playing games on their cell phones. When you are out and about and see young couples that look to be on dates or


Gender, it’s a pretty heated topic in its self. However, I don’t want this to get heated here. I’m going to share what my beliefs are and some studies to back up what I’m sharing. If you’ve followed along on the last few blogs, you’ll know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. With that being said, I have some pretty set beliefs on the importance and roles of gender. Does that mean I dislike or “hate” on those who believe differently or act against what I think is correct? Absolutely not. I love everyone and how people choose to live their lives is between themselves and the good Lord. As a member of Christ’s Restored Church we have what we call a Family Proclamation; this shares with us and the world what a family should be, the roles, the equality, the warnings for families. Here is the link if you would like to go read it and check it out! I would recommend you read it because even if you aren’t a member of the same faith, you will be inter

Family Culture.

I have to let you all know, culture/traditions is a hard one for me. I'm still trying to figure out what I want and things I want to change about my own culture. If y'all have any good insights from your own person culture, let me know! Culture. Is it just where we live that perpetuate our culture? I think that plays a large part of it; however, it is also up to our parents. In class this week we discussed a case study that discussed ten undocumented Hispanic families that have traveled from Mexico and came to America. It discussed their struggles, experiences, their culture in Mexico, but also their culture in America. The study is called The Cost of Getting Ahead, from Smith, et al. which was extremely helpful for me to understand some of things that many of my friends and acquaintances have experienced and continue to experience. In this study the parents wanted to get ahead, for their children. It wasn’t easy, not even a little. It altered their family structure and